The contents of this book are as follows: 

The first part, from the historical analysis, is the profound meaning of the century-old change, the historic shift of world power. We are at a turning point between the old and the new worlds. 

The second part, Anglo-Saxon domination, capitalism, analysis of Russian culture, Russian nationality, the formation of socialism. Why won't the West accept Russia, why does NATO continue to expand eastward?

The third part, about America, from global manufacturing powerhouse, covering 40% industrial output of the world, 56% of global GDP, the era of American glorious. The perspective financial domination and returning America manufacturing capacity and industrial supply chain. 

The fourth part, about China, from the economic development analysis, how is it rising fast? Industrial policy to compete worldwide. The effect of the country rises to change the world order, and how the complete industrial supply chain is established. 
The fifth part, from the perspective of geopolitical landscapes, shows the triangular relationship between China, the United States and Russia, and how the two factions of the dominant Party in the United States and the world government are dominated by the financial power behind them to rule the world. 

The sixth part, from the perspective of economic analysis, what does it mean for Russia to withdraw from the World Trade Organization, and Russia's foreign trade to be settled in local currency? What will be the outcome of the white-hot energy interest match? 

The seventh part, from the perspective of finance, is the domination of the dollar. How will the old world monetary and financial system collapse? How will the two systems be switched between the new and the old? What will the new world monetary system look like? 

The eighth part, from the perspective of overall security, comprehensively analyzes the ongoing third world war, and sees what the second half of the ongoing third world war, biological warfare, financial warfare, and hot warfare will push the war to what direction? What will the final outcome of the Russian-Ukrainian war be like? What kind of new world and what kind of new world order will the war bring in? 

The ninth part, major change in the century, the geo-politics and economy, the establishment of new G8 or BRICS plus, new currency, renewable energy, global crisis, and space program.

Part IX, Mayor changes in the century. The emergence of a brand-new prominent political concept will definitely correspond to its specific meaning. The great change in the century is a very prominent political concept in recent years, and this concept has gradually become popular since 2017. Although the interpretation of this concept has many, this one is for everyone in the world. 

1. Geo-politics and economy. Twenty-five years ago, American strategist Brzezinski, in his "Big Chess Game", warned the United States: the biggest potential danger is that China and Russia, and perhaps Iran, form a grand alliance. The reason for this alliance is not ideology, but complementary grievances. Visionary Americans should avoid or prevent such a situation from forming. At present time, however, it is becoming a reality, due to the suppression of the United States. China, Russia, and Iran are cooperating closely. This kind of cooperation cannot be called an alliance, but rather a close partnership. Look at the current situation, China and Russia have become back-to-back partners, Russia and Iran are conducting close military cooperation, and China and Iran have launched a 25-year comprehensive cooperation agreement, investing 400 billion US dollars, paying by oil. China and Russia join forces, there will be no problem with Pakistan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Belarus, finally Iran. You can see on the map; how big this territory is. The entire Eurasian continent is basically occupied. The great power forms a big geotectonic plate. Only leftovers from Western Europe, as well as Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. In terms of potential, modern industrial society requirement, energy, food supply and manufacturing industry, minerals including rare earth elements and noble gasses, all available in this area. Energy and mineral resources can be supplied by Russia, Iran, Central Asia, and the Middle East. China is the global manufacturing center, with a huge population, the vertical economic circulation can be fulfilled easily. In 2013, China moved forward with two major events. The first major event, China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, and is also planning the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The second major event, China began pumping sand and reclaiming the seas in the South China Sea, hoarding islands commonly known as cultivated islands in rivers and lakes. The first major event was the promotion of China's foreign trade. This is the first time in China's economic development openly recruiting heroes from all corners of the world under the eyes of American hegemony. The second major event is China leaving its own territory, protecting its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, establishing, and expanding China's national defense. China has kept a low profile on these two major events. But clearly, in terms of economic and military development, China has expanded beyond, and even challenged the hegemony of the United States. In fact, it is a further expansion, the development of the Greater Asia Circle, which is a large part of the Belt and Road Initiative. When China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, the first thing many people worried about was that China didn't have many hardcore friends. Many of China's circle of friends are friends of other people, and even allies of the United States. They also have their own concerns, the situation in countries along the Belt and Road Initiative is complicated. China may not be able to handle it, nor is it easy to handle it. Let's see, in the past ten years, there have been many white-eyed wolf countries taking advantage of China. After a few years, the government changed, turning its face, and not acknowledging its account. This situation was always unavoidable, but today's situation was different and greatly improved. First, the accumulated experience of several years, the past 9 years, the international ups and downs in the rain, China is all about its original intentions, what it promotes is economic development and trade. Those who once doubted China's purpose, or who have been affected by rumors, have seen China's sincerity in promoting economic development; this was the original intention of the Belt and Road Initiative. Second, over the years, the United States and the West have made little or no achievements in economic development for countries outside their own circles. These countries almost gave up when they saw it. Looking ahead and who is willing to help, and able to help these countries, only China. Third, China and Russia are not an alliance, in terms of substantive relations, which is a strong country is a partnership. In 2014, Crimea was incorporated into Russia. Relations between Russia and China have become closer, which is an improvement and cooperation between the two countries. In 2014, when Russia was under pressure from the West, relations between China and Russia developed rapidly, which greatly helped China's Belt and Road Initiative, along the path of the BRI many of Russia's circle of friends in Central and West Asia. However, this is only the first stage of close relations between China and Russia. On February 4, 2022, China and Russia released a joint statement. After that, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, China-Russia strategic cooperation has no end, no restricted area, no upper limit. Cooperation between China and Russia has entered the second stage. For more than a hundred years, Russia has always thought of itself as a European country. In fact, Russia has a large territory in Asia. However, many of them came through conquest, for example, in the vast territory of Siberia. Russia still believes that it is a European country at heart. Unfortunately, Europe doesn't think so. After the Crimea events, Russia has completely changed its heart! Russia has no choice but to leave the European Union and enter Asia, because only Asia can bring hope to Russia. Before the EU became Russia's biggest trading partner, Russia relied heavily on trade with Europe. After 2014, Russia actively expanded its trade with China, hoping to shift its trade dependence on Europe to China. When the United States and the European Union sanctioned Russia, Putin personally flew to Beijing to negotiate with China, signing a 30- year natural gas supply agreement. After that, China and Russia concluded a contract for the sale of SU-35 fighter jets. In the second stage of cooperation between China and Russia, because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the aversion of some European countries to Russia has reached its peak. Does Russia have any other choice? Russia only turned to China and turned to the East, and because of this, China has previously promoted economic and trade development in several countries, promoted the Belt and Road Initiative, and some remaining obstacles. Under the active promotion of Russia, it will be slowly cleaned up. For example, negotiations started at the end of the last century, and the China-Kyrgyzstan-Ukraine Railway, which has been in negotiations for 25 years, will finally start construction. Previously, due to Russian disapproval and concerns about the excessive expansion of Chinese influence, due to geopolitical considerations, this railway was never able to be built. However, due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, Russia began to leave Europe and enter Asia, and Putin finally agreed to build this railway. However, the second phase of cooperation between China and Russia is different from the first phase. The first phase of cooperation is mainly concentrated between China and Russia. The second phase of cooperation will spread out, and its form will be wider, including the China-Uzbekistan-Ukraine railway, cooperation in the financial sector, such as: new currency, financial payment systems, and more cooperation in energy, trade, etc. After Russia left Europe and entered Asia. Of course, the scope of cooperation will be wider because Russia is more anxious than China. In addition, three railway lines in Mongolia will be completed by the end of 2022. Apart from helping Mongolia sell coal to China, it will also connect China and Russia, which will be more efficient in transporting energy, grain, and other trade. For convenience, Chinese goods will also be easier to export to Russia. Almost all trade between China and Russia can be transported by land, which is more convenient and safer. Due to the expansion of China-Russian trade, this will also reduce the cost of the US being affected by Western sanctions against Russia. Whether Europe can eliminate its dependence on Russia for energy and food remains unknown. However, there is certainty that Russia will gradually eliminate its dependence on European trade. By 2021, China's GDP surpasses all of Europe, China can and has the ability to replace Europe and become Russia's largest trading partner. After the completion of the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Ukraine railway, the line to the south of the New Eurasian Continental Bridge will be upgraded. Expanding the entire range of transportation, from East and Southeast Asia to Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe. This will drive the trade of the countries along the route and bring about trade growth and intra-regional economic growth. The result is: First, to some extent, trade routes in the Greater Asia region, and routes to southern Europe and North Africa, replaced sea shipping. Second, due to intra-regional trade routes, the proportion of road transportation will increase, and the proportion of sea transportation will decrease. This will increase the land power of the world's islands on the Eurasian continent, reduce the role of the oceans, and of course weaken the influence of the United States. When the influence of the United States wanes, Five Eyes will be marginalized and left alone on the island of the world. Third, the economic growth of the Greater Asia region will be higher than other regions, and the world's power centers will also move eastward to this region. And China will be the central force of the Greater Asia Economic Circle. Greater Asia, the economic circle began in January 2022, when RCEP was officially launched. These are the Great Asian Economic Circle in China, in East Asia and ASEAN in Southeast Asia. Economically, it also includes Japan and South Korea. Integrated RCEP, eastern and southeastern parts of the Greater Asian Economic Circle will be completed. Due to Russia's exit from the European Union and its entry into Asia, this is the northern part of China, including Russia and Mongolia, as well as Central Asia, and will expand to West Asia in the future, the northern and western sides of the Greater Asian Economic Circle have been completed. In the future, if the economic circle negotiations between China and the six Gulf countries go well, this will integrate the Middle East. So, what else is missing in the Greater Asia Economic Circle? In the South Asian Subcontinent, Pakistan and Afghanistan have been integrated. One more India. First, don't worry about whether India wants to integrate. India is very clever; they will see the situation. India is already on the periphery of the larger Asian economic circle. Although India only looks at the United States and Europe now, in the future, If the economic growth of the Greater Asian Economic Circle is higher than other regions, India has no choice but to choose to participate. You say that India is conflicting with China, what to do? Don't worry about them, they will find their own reason and find their way out. Second, even if India is always reluctant to enter, what will be the impact? Due to the Himalayan barrier, India's foreign trade could only rely on ocean shipping. To be honest, it was India that wanted to join, not the countries in the region that wanted India to join. The Great Asian Economic Circle has been formed, this is just the beginning, there will be more in the future. The integration of the Eurasian continent is still ongoing, and it will be 10 years, more than 20 years of integration. In the future, the integration of the Eurasian continent as Europe has almost completely shifted to the United States in the past two years. We will not mention the integration of the Eurasian continent for now, but the Greater Asia Economic Circle. We Focus on the formation of the Greater Asia Economic Circle and prosperity.