Emergency Survival Tube Tent 8ft x 4ft Mylar Kaeser Wilderness Supply

GLOBAL AND NATIONAL CONDITIONS ARE CHANGING. Natural or man-made hazards take place daily. Climate change, industrial accidents, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, snow storms, wildfires, as well as pandemics. These factors will result in increased disasters Take charge of your survival needs, the time to prepare is now, before the emergency.

 Emergency Survival Tube Tent 8ft x 4ft Mylar weight 7oz. Enough room for two people. Keep warm and dry in extreme weather conditions. Reflects 90% of your body's heat. Sets up in minutes, and comes with 20 feet of cord. Can also be used as a sleeping bag. Keep an extra tent in your car for emergencies.

(1) Emergency Silver Tent 8ft x 4ft-Waterproof-Reusable-Weight 7oz,-Perfect for Backpacking, camping, hunting, and survival.

(20) Feet of cord

The family needed to be rescued in Colorado's snowy mountains. "The party

told deputies they ended up on this road because their GPS told them

it was the fastest route from Durango to Norwood," Lilly said.

In a tweet, San Miguel County Sheriff Bill Masters said the story

shows it's important for people to keep extra food and water in their

vehicles along with warm gear, Mylar tents, sleeping bags, and fire-starting material to help brave chilly emergencies