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Wasp Repeller

Use The Waspinator to effectively repel wasps without harming them. 

The Waspinator repels wasps by mimicking an enemy wasp nest. 

The Waspinator is ideal for keeping wasps away from anywhere you eat and drink outside i.e. place under you table umbrella or take it with you on picnics, camping or caravan trips. 

It can also be placed in the eaves, in a garage or in the loft to stop wasps nesting. It is also great for protecting areas where children play. Just hang the Waspinator up in the area you want to be wasp free - wait 15 minutes and any wasps will leave the area! Each waspinator clears an area of approx 6m radius.


Use The Waspinator to effectively repel wasps without harming them. Wasps are a nuisance, particularly in summer when they feed on fruit and other sweet materials. They can also damage fruit and timber of buildings, which they chew to create nesting material. The Waspinator creates a large wasp free zone WITHOUT killing the wasps and WITHOUT disturbing the insect world in your garden.

The Waspinator repels wasps by mimicking an enemy wasp nest. The Waspinator is ideal for keeping wasps away from anywhere you eat and drink outside i.e. place under you table umbrella or take it with you on picnics, camping or caravan trips. It can also be placed in the eaves, in a garage or in the loft to stop wasps nesting. It is also great for protecting areas where children play. The Waspinator is an effective natural wasp deterrent which will repel wasps from the garden areas you use, but which leaves them free to do their work of pollinating flowers and killing aphids elsewhere. Hang up a Waspinator and because it looks like a wasps nest, any foraging wasps will think there is already a wasps nest there and will keep well away from what they think is a real wasps nest for fear of being attacked by the nest's defenders. Just hang the Waspinator up in the area you want to be wasp free - wait 15 minutes and any wasps will leave the area! Each waspinator clears an area of approx 6m radius.