Netherlands -


Limited Edition ~ Philatelic - Numismatic / Medallic Cover ~ ECU Letter !

Reverse of Cover (Pix 10, 11 & 12) gives details, a few words:


Mauritius was named after the stadtholder Maurice of Nassau during the Dutch settlement of the island from 1598 to 1710. From 1715 to 1810 the French occupied Mauritius, which they renamed Ile de France. The island was a crown colony of the British Empire from 1810 unitl its independence in 1968.

Mauritius is known for the Dodo, a flightless bird but now extinct, and the 'Blue Mauritus', the famous stamp with the allegedly incorrect words 'POST OFFICE' instead of 'POST PAID'.

FDI: 17. I. 95, GRONINGEN.

(EKM16) / (RFJ17) ~ BdRm Wdn Cpd Tp.