Medieval Christmas

Pro Cantione Antiqua 
English medieval Wind Ensemble
Mark Brown, conductor

“A spicy Christmas feast, from a time when classic and folk music mixed. There was little difference in the popular music of the church or the tavern! Often more Chaucer than Christian… A lively record to sit back and enjoy! The attraction of the melodies and especially the exciting rhythms of Medieval music has influenced composers like Vaughan Williams and popular icons such as Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull. Many pieces are as popular today as they were centuries ago.”
– James Griffett

CD 32 tracks 65'48"


This Yol (anon. England 14/15c.)
Synge we to thys mery companye (anon. England 15c)
Orientis partibus (Song of the Ass, anon. France 13c)
Goday my Lord Sir Christemasse (anon. England 15c)
Danse real (anon. France 13c)
Ther ys no rose (anon. England 15c)
Nowel, synge we (anon. England 15c)
Nowel, owt of your slepe (anon. England 15c)
Hail Mary (anon. England 15c)
Beata viscera (Perotin)
Graduale: Viderunt Omnea (In Nativitate Domini Advertiam Missam, Gregorian Chant)
Portugaler (anon. France 14/15c)
Angelus ad Virginem
Nova, nova (anon. England 15c)