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Titolo: Unlock Your Dog's Potential
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: How to Achieve a Calm and Happy Canine
ISBN-10: 0715326384
EAN: 9780715326381
ISBN: 9780715326381
Publisher: David & Charles
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 26/10/2007
Description: Improve every aspect of your dog's life and behaviour safely and effectively by learning how to understand the way tensions and blocks affect him. Step-by-step exercises and simple observations will allow you and your dog to break free of nagging problems and enjoy the benfits of better health and a happier relationship. "Unlock Your Dog's Potential" covers a wide range of unique dog management tips and techniques, as well as training advice, including handling and bodywork exercises to improve movement and trainability. Case studies of dogs that Sarah Fisher has worked with appear throughout the book to show how her techniques relate to real-life situations.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 216mm
Lunghezza: 279mm
Autore: Sarah Fisher
Genere: Home Garden & Pets
Title Format: Paperback
Larghezza: 11mm
Peso: 540g
Anno di pubblicazione: 2007

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