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Titolo: A Child's Introduction to Egyptology
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The Mummies, Pyramids, Pharaohs, Gods, and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Autore: Heather Alexander
Ilustración: Sara Mulvanny
Contribuyente: Sara Mulvanny (Illustrated by)
Formato: Copertina rigida
ISBN-10: 0762471573
EAN: 9780762471577
ISBN: 9780762471577
Publisher: Running Press Adult
Genere: Children's Reference
Data di pubblicazione: 22/04/2021

Get ready to go back in time to discover one of history's most fascinating civilizations -- Ancient Egypt! Packed with stories of pyramids, mummies, pharaohs, gods, and more, this illustrated introduction to Egyptology is perfect for curious kids ages 8 to 11.

Author Heather Alexander leads young readers from the very beginning of the kingdom 4,500 years ago through the reign of Cleopatra in 31 BC. Included throughout are beautifully illustrated profiles of gods and goddesses like Ra, the god of the sun, and Isis, the goddesses of magic, as well as information about scribes, priests, and other notable Egyptians. Kids will learn about the great pharaohs like Ramses II and Nefertiti, how the magnificent Great Pyramid in Giza was built, an in-depth explanation of how Tutankhamun's tomb was found, and even how mummies were made.

This fact-filled book with original illustrations, a removable hieroglyphics poster, and activities like How to Mummify an Apple and Create Your Own Papyrus is perfect for every young, budding Egyptologist.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 262mm
Lunghezza: 262mm
Larghezza: 16mm
Peso: 760g
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021

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