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Titolo: Curiosity Quest Goes Green: Light Bulb Recycling
Formato: DVD
Condizione: Nuovo
Numero di dischi: 1
Genere: Bambini e ragazzi
Attore: Joel Greene
Regia: Joel Greene, Melissa Duke
Lingua: English
Tempo di esecuzione: 28:00
Codice regionale: DVD 1 (USA, CAN)
Marca: CQ Productions
Certificato: MPAA Not Rated
Descrizione: Did you know that light bulbs can be recycled and made into new products? Join the host of Curiosity Quest Goes Green, Joel Greene as he explores the Lighting Resources facility in Texas to learn how they collect old light bulbs. Then they dump them all into an incredible machine that breaks them apart, safely collects the mercury, chops, cleans, and separates them. Lastly, Greene follows the crushed light bulb remnants to a Glass Recycled in Texas to watch the process of mixing the recycled light bulbs in with recycled glass to create gorgeous counter tops and flooring.

Aspect Ratio:
Audio Format:
Color / Black & White: Color
Special Features:

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