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Titolo: Nobody Likes a Goblin
Condizione: Nuovo
ISBN-10: 1626720819
EAN: 9781626720817
ISBN: 9781626720817
Publisher: First Second
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 07/06/2016
Description: Goblin, a cheerful little homebody, lives in a cosy, rat infested dungeon, with his only friend, Skeleton. Every day, Goblin and Skeleton play with the treasure in their dungeon. But one day, a gang of "heroic" adventurers bursts in. These marauders trash the place, steal all the treasure, and make off with Skeleton, leaving Goblin all alone! It's up to Goblin to save the day. But first he's going to have to leave the dungeon and find out how the rest of the world feels about goblins. Ben Hatke struck picture book gold with Julia's House for Lost Creatures, and he brings more of the geekish whimsy that gave Julia's so much charm to Nobody Likes a Goblin.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 224mm
Lunghezza: 287mm
Larghezza: 10mm
Peso: 424g
Autore: Ben Hatke
Genere: Children's Books
Soggetto: Baby & Picture Books
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016

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