PARTISAN REVIEW published by the Foundation for Cultural Projects, New York.

4 x editions for 1968

Issue 1 : Winter 1968. - Martin Duberman, Peter Caws, Leo Bersani, Anthony Burgess, Robert Jay Lifton, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Coles.

Issue 2 : Spring 1968 - BLACK POWER:  A DISCUSSION - Susan Sontag, Richard Gilman, William Pritchard, George Deaux.  NORMAN MAILER - Making it, and the Establishment.

Issue 3 : Summer 1968 - Richrd Poirier, Michael Thelwell and Robert Coles, Alan Friedman, Thomas R. Edwards, Michael Harington, Martin Duberman

Issue 4 : Fall 1968 - Students '68: The Fourth World  - Doris Lessing, A.D. Hope, Leon Trotsky, Harold Bloom, Robert Garis, Thomas R. Edwards, Michael Thelwell.

These reviews are in good condition for their age.