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Titolo: Farewell to Sport
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Paul Gallico
Contribuyente: Zachary Michael Jack (Introduction by)
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9780803267619
ISBN: 9780803267619
Publisher: University of Nebraska Press
Genere: Sports & Hobbies
Soggetto: Literary Criticism
Data di pubblicazione: 30/12/2008
Description: For fourteen years during the golden age of sports, Paul Gallico was one of America’s ace sportswriters. He saw them all—the stars and the hams, the immortals and the phonies in boxing, wrestling, baseball, football, golf, tennis, and every other field of muscular endeavor in which men and women try to break hearts and necks for cash or glory. Then in 1937, at the height of his game (and the height of the payroll), Gallico suddenly and famously called it quits and left the New York Daily News. But before he departed the world of sports, he left his legions of fans one last hurrah: a collection of his best sports essays called, appropriately, Farewell to Sport.
Here, in twenty-six chapters, every major and minor sport is covered. Included are sketches of Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, Gene Tunney, Tex Rickard, and Jack Sharkey, written in an accessible, conversational style. Often credited with creating “participatory journalism,” Gallico would play golf with Bobby Jones, catch Major League pitcher Dizzy Dean’s fastball, swim with Johnny Weissmuller, play tennis with Helen Wills, catch passes from quarterback Benny Friedman, and box with Jack Dempsey (he lasted one minute, thirty-seven seconds).
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 222mm
Lunghezza: 146mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2008

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