Veno Balm - Alpine cream for veins for veins is a natural balm intended for enlarged veins, cracked capillaries, painful, swollen and heavy legs, improvement of weakened venous circulation, relief and elimination of pain in the legs and feet. This cream is characterized by a very pleasant fresh scent of alpine herbs.

It is made according to a traditional German recipe, made of numerous medicinal plants from the Alpine regions: mint, Siberian fir oil, horse chestnut extract, menthol, vine leaf extract, comfrey extract, etc. The unique composition with alpine herbs and essential oils works quickly and effectively.


    Painful, swollen and heavy legs
    Varicose veins
    Inflammation of superficial veins
    Leg cramps
    Cracked capillaries and bruises
    Weakened venous circulation
    Tension and heaviness in the legs


The herbal ingredients of the Veno Balm preparation help to relieve pain, swelling, cramps, heaviness and tiredness of the legs, muscle tension caused by prolonged sitting, standing or poor circulation. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the walls of venous blood vessels, reduces the sensitivity and permeability of capillaries, prevents swelling, neutralizes spasms, accelerates venous circulation, increases blood flow and reduces redness in inflamed veins.

Properties and action

Active plant substances strengthen microcirculation, the tone of vein walls, reduce the permeability of capillaries, reduce pain, swelling, temperature and redness in inflammation of superficial veins. It contains ingredients that have been proven to have a positive effect on tired and swollen legs. It has a beneficial effect on the stabilization of the walls of venous blood vessels and thus reduces swelling and pain in the legs.

It reduces inflammatory processes, strengthens the resistance of venous capillaries and reduces their permeability, and relieves the feeling of heaviness, cramps and pain in the legs. Given the effective action, a significant change is soon noticed. Thanks to the presence of menthol and the cooling effect, the Alpine balm provides immediate relief and a feeling of lightness in the legs.

The use of

When using the Veno Balm preparation, the skin does not remain greasy, and the natural plant ingredients are immediately absorbed into the skin, subcutaneous tissue, veins and capillaries, so the effect is almost immediate. Daily application solves the problems of venous circulation, varicose veins, broken capillaries and bruises. For better results, it is recommended to use it several times a day.

Additional product information

    Avoid areas with burns and open wounds

    Method of storage and shelf life

    Store in a dark place, out of reach of children.

    Shelf life 36 months

    Product: Veno Balm - cream for varicose veins and swollen legs made from alpine herbs

    Manufacturer: Global Natures Pharma GmbH, Germany

    Packaging: aluminum tube

    Quantity: 200ml