Ulteriori informazioni

Titolo: Atticus Claw Goes Ashore
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Jennifer Gray
Ilustración: Mark Ecob
Contribuyente: Mark Ecob (Illustrated by)
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 0571305318
EAN: 9780571305315
ISBN: 9780571305315
Edizione: Main
Publisher: Faber & Faber
Genere: Children's Books
Data di pubblicazione: 06/03/2014

Atticus is on beach tidying duty with the kittens when he finds a message in a bottle from Fishhook Frank. Fishhook is marooned on a desert island, but he promises Atticus treasure in exchange for his rescue!

The treasure in question is the Casket of Desires, which contains a sleeping mermaid who has the power to grant any wish. But it is hidden in the deepest darkest part of the ocean, protected by the most hideous, fearsome sea-creatures known to pirate lore.

Atticus sets out to rescue Fishhook Frank and find the Casket of Desires with his owners, the Cheddar family. But it's not all plain sailing. The pirate with the biggest beard-jumper in the nautical world - Captain Black Beard-Jumper - is also on the look out for the Casket and he'll curse anyone who gets in his way...

Lingua: inglese
Fascia d'età: Giovane
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 198mm
Lunghezza: 124mm
Larghezza: 18mm
Peso: 176g
Serie: Atticus Claw: World's Greatest Cat Detective
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014

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