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Titolo: Lucky Luke Vol. 82: Rin Tin Can's Ark
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Jul
IlustraciĆ³n: Achde
Contribuyente: Achde (Illustrated by)
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1800440847
EAN: 9781800440845
ISBN: 9781800440845
Publisher: Cinebook Ltd
Genere: Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 15/12/2022
Description: A cowboy who shoots faster than his own shadow, his sarcastic horse, a quartet of incredibly stupid bandits - this is the Old West at its funniest. The 82nd adventure of Lucky Luke, the Lonesome Cowboy! Ages 8+ Arriving in Cattle Gulch, Lucky Luke runs into an unexpected scene: an apparent crackpot called Ovid Byrde is about to get lynched. The man's revolutionary opinions - animal welfare and the sanctity of life - aren't particularly well-received in this town full of ranchers and cowboys! After Luke intervenes, though, the locals simply ignore Byrde ... until he suddenly finds gold, and a pack of unscrupulous bandits take advantage of the poor idealist to establish a vegetarian dictatorship!
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 287mm
Lunghezza: 217mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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