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Titolo: The Best Women's Travel Writing 2009
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: True Stories from Around the World
Autore: Faith Adiele
Contribuyente: Lucy McCauley (Edited by)
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781932361636
ISBN: 9781932361636
Publisher: Travelers' Tales, Incorporated
Genere: Travel & Transport
Anno di pubblicazione: 2009
Data di pubblicazione: 19/02/2009
Description: This best-selling, award-winning series presents the finest accounts of women who have traveled to the ends of the earth to discover new places, peoples -- and themselves. The common threads connecting the stories are a woman's perspective and lively storytelling to make the reader laugh, cry, wish she were there, or be glad she wasn't. From breaking the gender barrier on a soccer field in Kenya to learning the art of French cooking in a damp cellar in the Loire Valley to hitchhiking through Mexico in the 1960s, the points of view and perspectives are global and the themes eclectic, including stories that encompass spiritual growth, hilarity and misadventure, high adventure, romance, solo journeys, stories of service to humanity, family travel, and encounters with exotic cuisine.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 203mm
Lunghezza: 130mm
Peso: 354g
Serie: Best Women's Travel Writing

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