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This is a Brand New SPANISH  Paperback New Testament
in the (recommended) 1984 copyright  NIV

This New Testament has an attractive glossy paperback cover.

The FONT SIZE IS 10 pt - relatively easy to read.

This ends the Description of this Bible.  All of the following consists of helpful information about the 1984 copyright New International Bible (84 NIV), and some Godly advice from me to you.

Go to my Store on Ebay and check out all of my 84 NIV Bibles (approx 70 Bibles)
If you don't see what you are wanting, please email me, as I have several others that are not yet listed.

To find all of the Large and Giant Print 84 NIVs on Ebay click on the followng link:
                            84 NIV LG

If the above link did not work, then block copy it and paste it into the Search Box on Ebay)

Why the 1984 Copyright Edition?   The 1984 Copyright NIV is the most accurate,
literal translation I have ever seen.  The publisher (Biblica) no longer offers this
1984 copyright version. Sadly, their "revised" edition (the 2011 copyright version)
has CHANGED many passages, and it is NO LONGER an accurate translation of the original Hebrew & Greek.
Biblica has changed the wording to make it more "gender neutral".
Biblica did this to appease certain "special interest" groups, and for
who knows what other reasons.
Biblica has made many other small, subtle changes, some of which to me are "disturbing". 
That describes the book -- and terms of sale.

NOW.... for some "sound Godly advice" . . . from me to you
  . .

Don’t rely on what any person or any church
tells you the Bible says.   What if they are wrong ???

                Seek God daily
                     Prayerfully read your Bible daily
                             Continually ask God to show you HIS truth

TO WOMEN WHO KNOW THE LORD or who are seeking Him:
My wife ministers to women daily on Facebook.  She posts daily devotions, scriptures
and prayers as the Lord her, and she ministers one-on-one to women who write to
her with Spiritual questions or life's concerns.
If you would like to read her daily devotions on Facebook -- or correspond with her there
please write to me, and I will give you the name of her Facebook site.  This is for WOMEN ONLY.  

I also have a Facebook site for men if any of you would like to read my devotions / articles.
Contact me for the address.

Concerning Bible Study:

As a Bible teacher and evangelist for the Lord, my advice is this:

First, I strongly recommend the 84 copyright version of the NIV Bible.  If you can't find one,
the ESV or the NASB will suffice.  AVOID paraphrases such as the Good News Bible, Living Bible
the Message Bible.

Read the Bible for yourself.   Between 80% and 90%of your Bible reading should be from
the New Testament, as that is where you find God's message and instructions to us today.
It starts out with the birth of Jesus, covers His 33 years on earth as "the Word become flesh
(John 1:1-14),  It tells us of his life on earth, His crucifixion, burial,and resurrection. It tells us
of the life of the early apostles. It teaches us God's principles - and requirements for being
born again. It tells us how to live a holy life after we are born again.  It tells us about the Rapture
of the church (the body of Christ) soon to come.  It tells us of Jesus' Second Coming, the day
of Judgment, and eternity.

First, I recommend that you prayerfully read it through the New Testament - slowly, carefully.
Start out by reading  all the way through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the first four Chapters of Acts.
Then read through Matthew through Acts 4 a second and third time.
Matthew, Mark and Luke should distress you -- and  convict you of your sins, your shortcomings,
and should demonstrate to you how impossible is it to live a Godly life of your own effort.
Then the Book of John should give you HOPE as you begin to realize exactly WHO Jesus IS, and how
He, God the Son, God Himself died for your sins according to the scriptures, was buried, and then
rose on the third day, according to the scriptures, for YOU !
Then as you read Acts Chapters 1-4 you will
savor how the early church was filled with the Holly Spirit,
met, fellowshipped, worshiped , and spread the gospel. 
Then read the
the N.T. all the way through - from Matthew through Revelation. 
Before reading  any of the Old Testament, read through the New Testament at least three times -- or more --
until you
are entirely familiar with each Book of the New Testament.

Pay particular attention  to the words of instruction in Colossians and Philippians,which exhort
the born again Christian how to live a Godly life, pleasing to the Lord.
Bookmark Romans 12:1 as an anchor point (in light of everything else in the scriptures, present your
bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God..... (Rom 12:1). 

And then, I would suggest that you read through the Book of Psalms. And from then on, spend
approximately 80-90% of your reading in the New Testament and the other 10-20% in the Old Testament.

Always pray before reading the Bible, asking the Lord to guide you -- and show you what He wants
to teach you that day.

As you read, ask God to “open your eyes” to His truth.
Hear the words of Jesus at John 8:31-32: "To the Jews who had believed him,
Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Skip the Annotated "study" or "commentary" Bibles.
Why??? Most people who have these spend 2/3 of their time reading the annotations instead
 of the scriptures  themselves.  This method will indoctrinate you with the "theology" of the
commentator instead of  the doctrine of the Bible.  And guess what??? Many of the commentators
believe and teach a few  false doctrines.  For instance, Scofield believes and teaches the false doctrine
of  "Calvinist Predestination; and Dake believes/teaches a heretical doctrine of salvation by works
and another damning doctrine of "eternal insecurity".

The scriptures command you to "find out what pleases God" and to obey His commands.
In order to do this you must know what the Bible says.  Don't rely on what any man tells you.
What if he  is wrong ??????

One more thing:  from time to time read through the Book of 1st John, and COMPARE your life
with what John says will be the life of the truly born again Christian.  At 1st John 5:13 we are told
that the Book of 1st John was written "
that you may know that you have eternal life."  Read the
entirety of 1st John and examine yourself.  2nd Corinthians 13:5 instructs you a
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.  Do you not realize that
Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?

Contact me any time with comments, questions.... or your testimony of salvation!

Comparing the NIV to the KJV:

The 84 copyright NIV is a literal, accurate translation in our American English.
The KJV is written in Old Elizabethan English, the language of King James I, in 1611.
Elizabethan terminology was much different back than our language of today.

you might be interested to know that King James decreed (ordered that the KJV
be done to "meet his own personal agenda."  He wanted a translation which would conform
to the ecclesiology (doctrine) of the Church of England.   King James personally selected
47 of his faithful subjects - 47 so called "scholars" -- under his direct rule and control --
 to write the new translation.  (Keep in mind -- King James had the authority to cut off their
heads if for any reason their work did not please him).  King James gave the translators
specific instructions that the new translation should "conform to the ecclesiology (doctrine)
of the Church of England and should reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England.
One thing very important to King James was that the new translation should support the theology
of the Church of England concerning its  "ordained clergy" which overlorded and ruled over the masses." 

In contrast, the 1984 copyright NIV translation was the work of many independent scholars from
many colleges, universities, and seminaries all over the world.  All of them were
acknowledged to be
experts in  Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek 
The work took thousands of hours between 1965-1984.
The work was independent from the control any particular denomination or special interest group.
The stated purpose of the translation team was to "create a literal, accurate translation in our
American English".

In studying -- and comparing -- the KJV and the NIV version for almost thirty years:
(1) I have found the 84 NIV to be very accurate, reliable, and easy to understand, because
it is in our 20th Century American English language.
(2) I have found the  KJV to be moderately difficult to read with ease and understanding -
AND I have found numerous  passages which have translation errors - some small and some
quite significant  (FOR EXAMPLE, the worst translation error I have found in the KJV is
Romans 8:1 - compare the KJV to the correct translation in the NIV and see for yourself). 
(3)  I have found many of the words in the KJV to be archaic and difficult to understand,
due to the fact we do not commonly use such words today. 

         For instance:  The KJV says, "let love be without dissimulation". The NIV says it in our language:
            "let love be sincere"   The KJV says "love constrains us".  The NIV says, "love compels us")  

In the KJV, Romans 3:25 says,  "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood .
In the KJV, 1st John 2:2 says,    " And he is the propitiation for our sins:

Do you understand what propitiation means???  I certainly did not until I looked it up.

The NIV says,  Romans  3:25  God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood.
The NIV says,  1st John 2:2     He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins . . .

And compare the difference in ease of reading  of Mark 7:20-23 in the NIV
after first reading the  KJV:

KJV:   20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21 For from within,
out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.
Do you understand the meaning of all of the underlined words ????  I didn't.
Now read the same passage in the NIV:

NIV:   20 He went on: “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean.’ 21 For from within,
out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery,
22 greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 
23 All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.’ ”

        Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

I will close with one more word of advice to those of you
who are seeking the things of the Lord:

As you read the Bible, ask God to “open your eyes” to His truth.
Hear the words of Jesus at John 8:31-32:
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said,
'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

In Closing:  I am a born again Christian (per John 3:3-11).  God has called me primarily as an evangelist and Bible teacher.
Please feel free
to write to me any time about any Bible or spiritual questions you might have.  I am here to serve the Lord.

Thanks for reading and considering all that  I have shared with you above ....

Yours in Christ Jesus,  Jim

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