Purple Flash  
 Ornamental Chilli

The intensity of this ornamental pepper makes all others look playful, even whimsical! The foliage is smoky-black and violet, occasionally streaked with white, and clusters of marble-sized ebony fruits.
Well-branched, compact, and gloriously beautiful from spring 'til frost, Purple Flash is the one you MUST try in flowerpots and the annual bed this season!
Purple Flash reaches 13 to 15 inches high and 19 to 21 inches wide. The seed germinates in a snap (5 to 7 days) under the same conditions as tomatoes, but it needs to wait a few more weeks to be transplanted beyond tomato time -- the soil should be warm and the nights reliably mild. Of course, Purple Flash is perfect for containers of all kinds, but you'll have to put some in the garden, too -- color this rich is just too good not to spread around!
Elegantly layered, this plant stands up effortlessly to heat and drought, keeping garden or patio lovely for many months. You'll love its dark accents in any sunny setting!