Our animals are very significant to us.
Often, they joined our family as puppies, and we had no idea how life would be a year later, when they became adults.
The most common things people say to me about their dogs are: "I love my dog, but he barks all the time and I'm tired of it" or "I love him, but he destroys my furniture and house".

The majority of the time, barking does not come from a position of strength, but rather from one of weakness. Fearful. Anxiety
Does your life have a lot of stress and tension, which impacts your pets as well?
Does your pet suffer from anxiety or fear?
What can you do to help your pet become calmer?

Perhaps your animal needs this specific treatment, which contains a unique frequency of calmness.
By using this keychain you have the ability to help you pet!
In addition to being designed for beauty, this keychain can also be used to improve your pet's calm through a variety of healing methods.

We can help you choose the ideal tag for your pet if you are unsure. 
Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance. 
Let us help you choose the right energy for your pet.

This energetic healing art was created by Eli, a senior kinesiologist, a multidisciplinary therapist and a teacher.

This physical art will be shipped flat in a rigid maller.