So, if you like Scotland, Tartan and Scotty Dogs, these two handkerchiefs are for you.  They are squares, with the Scotty Dog being 10 inches, and the other one 10.5 inches.  Both have amazing borders.  The plain white silk has cut work embroidery with ribbon.  The cutwork is really fine, and so tiny.  The Scotty Dog hankie edging is so flashy.  I didn't find any issues - bright and clean, don't appear to have ever been used.  There are no holes or stains.

I just love handkerchiefs.  I have been collecting them for over 20 years.  They are easy to collect, because they will fit nicely in a box.  BUT, the time has come for me to let my collections go.  I always said, if you have 1 thing, you have 1 thing.  If you have 2 things that are similar, you have 2 of that thing.  If you have 3 things that are similar, you have a collection.

Welp, I have lots of collections.  I have been selling on Ebay since 1999, but I also seem to buy stuff.  Even now, when I am determined to sell everything.  I tell myself I won't keep it forever; I WILL sell it, LOL.

My son is really afraid I am going to die, and still have all this stuff.  Heh.  

Anyway, if you like handkerchiefs, please check back.  I have SO SO many to list.  I find I list some, get tired of listing the same thing, and move to different stuff for awhile.  So it will take me quite awhile to list all the hankies I have.