I found this set, at one time, in an antique Louis Lange catalog from the 1930's.  It showed the little pond WITH the two celluloid pieces - a swan and a fish.  I REALLY wish I hadn't sold that catalog, at least, without copying some of the pages.  Anyway, even though it's not marked, I can guarantee that this piece is original and authentic.

It is small, measuring 6" by 6".  The interior is 4" x 4".  The first photo shows the piece with about 1/4" of water and the two pieces floating.  It is such a rare and unusual German piece!

They were the inventors of Putz villages - the village scenes that people display under their trees each year at Christmas.  Putz means plaster, and most of the early pieces were made from composition - which includes, in large part, plaster!

Anyway, this piece would be really great for an antique doll house, or a Christmas Putz village.