Every one of us has experienced a traumatic events at some point in our lives.
We believe some have impacted our lives deeply, while others have crossed right beside us without leaving an imprint. 
Do you think this statment is true?

It appears that even minor events can cause trauma on the inside, regardless of how we perceive them. 
Furthermore, we may not even be aware that these hidden traumas are the cause of our problems. 
A loss of a loved one, a pet, an important relationship, or a business can leave a hole in our hearts. 

While some of us continue despite the pain, others have difficulty dealing with it and cannot get back to their routine. 
Although it can be a good idea to focus on only one issue at a time, I have found that working on these two issues together improves your chances of getting the results you desire.   

If you feel you have overcome your trauma and pain of loss, you should not buy this product. However, if you feel you need to address this issue, you have come to the right place! In this set of healing cards, both subjects are treated simultaneously. 

Users of this product have reported that it has helped them release trauma that controlled them and affected their lives. In addition, it helped them release the pain in their hearts regarding a painful loss. 
In addition to being designed for beauty, these healing cards can help you release trauma and pain from loss through various healing methods. Therefore, this healing card can help you improve your ability to alter your reality!
This energetic healing art was created by Eli, a senior kinesiologist, a multidisciplinary therapist and a teacher.

This healing card will be shipped flat in a rigid maller.