Choose your desired quantity of packets and the desired best by date

Choose 25 or 50 packets and the date. Older dates are cheaper.

Keep in mind that Simply Thick DOES NOT EXPIRE but past this date (These are all past the best by date!) It may need to be stirred/shaken more or additional thickener added to reach the desired thickness.

See photos for the manufacturer's statement on the best by date and using the product indefinitely past this date.

Please be aware of the date as you choose it from the drop down menu. These are all 2022 or 2021 dates. They are not Use By or Expiration dates. They are "best by" suggested use dates. Simply Thick is good indefinitely.

Each packet is 6g and mixes 4 oz of liquid to mildly thick / nectar consistency. Occasionally on older dates you may need to mix additional product to reach consistency.