Dizzy Bees is a URBAN garden in a large subdivision, located on beautiful Vancouver Island on the Westcoast of Canada.

While we started our journey to grow food, it soon became apparent that the bees didn’t know we were here. So, we began growing for the bees, pollinators, butterflies, birds, and one of our favorites: hummingbirds. Not only are they essential to growing food, but they each play an important role in creating a healthy ecosystem in every garden.

50 seeds 
Basil 'Cinnamon' Annual Medicinal Herb
Ocimum basilicum
Height: 26-30”
Full sun
Flavor is of intense basil with a note of mint, anise, and cinnamon.
Days to maturity: 65-70 days
Plant spacing: 9-12”
Pinch: when 8” tall 

The unforgettable scent of this long-time favorite makes it a wonderful addition to summer bouquets. One of the most fragrant, easy to grow and abundant summer foliage plants, ‘Cinnamon’ basil is a lovely variety featuring dark purple flowers atop green leaves and chocolate-colored stems.

Harvesting/Vase Life:
Harvest when stems begin to toughen and firm or as soon as flowers begin to form. Cut foliage is prone to wilting in the heat, so harvest during the coolest part of the day and place directly into water to rest a few hours before arranging. Stems will last 7-10 days, often rooting in the vase.

Harvest at anytime, cut back as much as 1/3 of the plant at a time, all parts of the foliage is edible leaves, flowers and stalks
Edible Flowers: Use the flowers in any recipe that calls for basil, or to garnish drinks, salads, soups, pasta, and desserts. Flavor is of intense basil with a note of mint, anise, and cinnamon.

How to Grow:
Direct sow early summer when soil is warm or Start seed indoors in trays 6-8 weeks before transplanting out in early summer into warm soil.  Sow seeds ½” deep. Basil is prone to damping off, so one seeds sprout, make sure they are adequately ventilated, and kept under very bright light to prevent leggyness, thin to 8-10″ apart. Using bottom heat speeds germination.