Man of War:  This is the story of the very slow promotion of a rifle officer during peacetime and the rapid advancement during war. It is a very good read if a little slow to get off the ground. 

About the author: 
John Masters was the son of a lieutenant-colonel whose family had a long tradition of service in the Indian Army. serve with the 4th Prince of Wales's Own Gurkha Rifles. He saw service on the North-West Frontier

During World War II he served as Brigade Major and after briefly commanding the 3rd battalion of his regiment, Masters subsequently became GSO1 (the Chief of Staff) of Indian 19th Infantry Division. He left the army and moved to the United States, where he attempted to set up a business promoting walking tours in the Himalayas, one of his hobbies. The business was not a success and, to make ends meet, he decided to write of his experiences in the army. When his novels proved popular, he became a full-time writer.

He died in 1983. His family and friends scattered his ashes from an aeroplane over the mountain trails he loved to hike. 

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