Origin: Taiwan

Features: Uses fresh and chewy selected Taiwanese abalone; the waist is thick and the abalone is full. The abalone is soft and smooth, with a sweet and rich taste. The abalone has a smoky and tough taste. It is carefully prepared with a braised sauce made by a star chef. A can of 8-12, ready to eat, heated to add flavor. It can be used as a side dish, as well as noodles and rice.

Therapeutic value: Abalone is rich in protein and carbohydrates, but low in fat and sugar. It can nourish yin, relieve fever and improve eyesight.

Recommended dishes: A variety of food methods, ready to eat. You can make simple and convenient abalone diced and abalone chicken skewers.

Cooking method: eat as soon as it is opened, easy to eat.

On Kee
On Kee's business purpose and commitment - genuine. Small profits but quick turnover. Buy it to your heart's content. eat with peace of mind
On Kee has been in operation since the early 1970s. It has become a time-honored brand familiar to Hong Kong people from a small shop in Sheung Wan to the present. In addition to the continuous efforts of the founder Mr. Pan Xiong’an and the second-generation helmsman Mr. Pan Quanhui, and actively expanding innovation and diversification In addition to the transformation of the business, it also depends on the support, trust, encouragement and love of customers over the years, so that the reputation of An Kee is growing!

Even though the times are changing, what remains the same is that On Kee has always adhered to its business purpose and commitment, and has extremely high requirements for product quality, product variety and service quality, hoping to bring the perfect experience to every customer.