Amber With Sterling silver 
Owl with Swarovski  Eyes
Earrings 925 
1x1x.25 cm 
2.4g  12 carat
Amber symbolises courage, and brings success.
Amber is technically not a gemstone or mineral, but a fossilised sap from prehistoric trees that has aged over the course of millions of years. Amber is usually thought of as yellow golden in hue, but amber also can be found in shades of milky white, red-orange, green, black and even (very rarely) violet. Early physicians prescribed amber for headaches, heart problems, arthritis and a variety of other ailments. In ancient times, amber was carried by travellers for protection. To early Christians, amber signified the presence of the Lord.In the Far East, amber is the symbol of courage; Asian cultures regard amber as the 'soul of the tiger'; Egyptians placed a piece of amber in the casket of a loved one to ensure the body would forever remain whole.Amber energy properties Brings a care free, sunny disposition Promotes good luck and successDissolves oppositions
Healers use it for:stomach, spleen and kidney complaints joint problems  teething pain in babies

The symbol of "Fatima Hand" is known all over the Middle East and North Africa. The "hamsa" has been variously interpreted by scholars as a Jewish, Christian, or Islamic followers and as a pagan fertility symbol. The symbol dates back to cave paintings.  
The name comes from Mohammed's daughter Fatima. The five fingers represents the 5 pillars of Islam but is mainly a symbol used for protection and used as defence to ward of the Evil eye .The "evil eye" is a curse believed to be cast by a evil glare, which is usually directed towards a person who is unaware. Many are the cultures who believe that receiving the "evil eye" will cause one misfortune, bad luck, ill health, injury or even death. And the saying goes that if your Fatima Hand amulet bears a crack, it means it has been protecting the wearer from very bad luck. 
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