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Canna Colmic feeder MIRAGE S31 STEELWATER mt 3.60 gr 50
Sensibilità, potenza e precisione, sono le doti che caratterizzano le Still Water: una serie di tre canne suddivisa in due diverse misure (3,30 e 3,60 m.)e due casting diversi (50 e 70 gr.), realizzate con il preciso intento di fornire gli strumenti giusti agli amanti della pesca in ambenti naturali. Equilibrio, qualità dei materiali e versatilità d’impiego sono le basi del progetto che ci ha consentito di ottenere delle canne espressamente concepite per la “caccia” a prede importanti, da insidiare anche con approcci light.

Action Length mt Casting W. (g) cl. Length cm Weight gr. Diameter Sections Tips Carbon
ML 3.30 50 114 177 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
ML 3.60 50 127 197 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
MH 3.60 70 127 200 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange


Action Length cm Bottom (mm) Material TIP color
Light 52 2.08 Carbon Yellow
Medium Light 47 2.08 Carbon Green
Medium 42 2.08 Carbon Orange

Sensitivity, power and precision are what set the Still Water rods apart. A series of three rods with two different lengths (3.30 and 3.60 m) and two different casting powers (50 and 70 g), made with the specific aim of providing the right tools to fans of fishing in natural settings. Balance, highquality materials and versatility of use are the basis of a design that allowed us to create rods specifically designed for “hunting” large fish, which can also be enticed with a light approach.

Action Length mt Casting W. (g) cl. Length cm Weight gr. Diameter Sections Tips Carbon
ML 3.30 50 114 177 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
ML 3.60 50 127 197 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
MH 3.60 70 127 200 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange


Action Length cm Bottom (mm) Material TIP color
Light 52 2.08 Carbon Yellow
Medium Light 47 2.08 Carbon Green
Medium 42 2.08 Carbon Orange

La sensibilité, la puissance et la précision sont les atouts qui caractérisent les Still Water : une série de trois cannes déclinées en deux tailles différentes (3,30 et 3,60 m.) et deux castings différents (50 et 70 g), réalisées précisément dans le but de fournir les outils adéquats aux amateurs de pêche en milieux naturels. C’est grâce à l’équilibre, la qualité des matériaux et la polyvalence d’utilisation, les fondements du projet, que nous avons obtenu des cannes expressément conçues pour la « chasse » de proies importantes, à saisir également par approches légères.

Action Length mt Casting W. (g) cl. Length cm Weight gr. Diameter Sections Tips Carbon
ML 3.30 50 114 177 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
ML 3.60 50 127 197 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
MH 3.60 70 127 200 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange


Action Length cm Bottom (mm) Material TIP color
Light 52 2.08 Carbon Yellow
Medium Light 47 2.08 Carbon Green
Medium 42 2.08 Carbon Orange

Sensibilidad, potencia y precisión son las cualidades que caracterizan a la Still Water: una serie de tres cañas divididas en dos tamaños diferentes (3,30 y 3,60 metros) y dos pesos de lances distintos (50 y 70 gramos), realizadas con la precisa intención de proporcionar las herramientas adecuadas a los amantes de la pesca en entornos naturales. Equilibrio, calidad de los materiales y versatilidad de uso son las bases del proyecto que ha permitido lograr cañas específicamente diseñadas para cazar presas importantes, para ser perseguidas incluso con acercamientos suaves.

Action Length mt Casting W. (g) cl. Length cm Weight gr. Diameter Sections Tips Carbon
ML 3.30 50 114 177 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
ML 3.60 50 127 197 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange
MH 3.60 70 127 200 18.50 3+3 Yellow - Green - Orange


Action Length cm Bottom (mm) Material TIP color
Light 52 2.08 Carbon Yellow
Medium Light 47 2.08 Carbon Green
Medium 42 2.08 Carbon Orange