Troxevasin 2% Gel 40g

Active Ingredients: Troxerutin, a derivative of the NATURAL bioflavonoid, delivered from Sophora Japonica plant.  

- Helps reduce oedema, pain and trophic disturbances, relievs from the symptoms of the venous insufficiency and its complications.

- Provides antioxidant and has beneficial effects on venous health;

- Treats capillaries by increasing their endurance and lowering the permeability of the venous blood vessel walls;

- Exerts anti-varicose action by enhancing capillary stability and normalizing their permeability; provides anti-inflammatory effect.


- Apply a small amount twice daily onto affected areas and massage into the skin.

-  Apply TROXEVASIN to clean, dry skin that does not have any cuts, infections, or rashes.

-  Avoid exposing skin where you apply TROXEVASIN to sunlight and artificial light, such as tanning booths.

-  Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

-  Wash your hands after applying the gel, unless you are treating your hands.

-  Wait 1-2 minutes before putting on any clothing over the area of application.

-  Do not shower, bathe, or swim for at least one hour after applying the gel.

INDICATIONS: Venous insufficiency of the lower limbs, external use only:

• Pre-Varicous and Varicous Syndrome


• Varicose Ulcers

• Superficial Thrombophlebitis, Phlebitis, Post-Phlebitis Conditions 

• chronic venous insufficiency

• haemorrhoids

• retinopathy

• muscular cramps

• pains of traumatic origin - following contusions, distorsions, luxations and etc.

• edema and pain in trauma and varicose veins

• varicose dermatitis

• as an adjuvant treatment of scleropathy and venectomy.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: History of sensitivity to rutosides.

ADVERSE REACTIONS: Very rarely allergic skin reactions.

INTERACTIONS: Interactions with other medications have not been reported. TROXEVASIN can be combined with other venotonic preparations or with local medicinal forms of that group.