Kaleidoscope for PC app - create unlimited mirrors and color patterns!

This software is like a real thing - it is ROUND, not square as most software is. With this unique tool you can get relaxation and inspiration in seconds! Fully customizable setup, can be a working instrument or an electronic toy (e-toy) for your child, giving boost to imagination and brain power. 
You can either rotate, resize it by mouse, or autorotate, limit number of objects and colors. Also, it has a free lifetime autoupdate feature. User can change sizes of dots painted, by specifying min / max size ranges, as well as change background and instantly copy the generated image to clipboard ready to be pasted anywhere. User can change patterns by autorotating, rotating and mouse wheel for fine changes.

Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdIYJAQDUUA

Bring more colors to your life!


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