Fire Agates are found in Mexico, but the largest deposits are in Arizona, I found this one near Salome.

Description: This Fire Agate is square in shape. Color layers: orange, red and white

Size:  1.25" L by 1.25" w  by 0.60" t

Weight: 0.69 ounces or 19.7 grams

Each Item comes with an Information Card with neat info and History of the Specimen. You will also get a certificate of Authenticity.

Item Photos: This item was photographed outside in the natural sunlight. No changes were made to the photos.

Item Preparation: This Specimen has been cleaned with CLR to remove some of the debris from the surface. I also used a toothbrush with vinegar to polish and bring out all the layers of color.

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Fire Agates are a Chalcedony mineral, which is part of the Quartz family. Various colors can occur, and this depends on exactly what the particular stone is made up of. Basically they consist of layers of iridescence Limonite or Goethite within an individual stone, with some having shades of brownish red, green, blue and orange colors in the stone.

Fire Agates are created after a volcanic explosion has transformed magma and lava into igneous rock. During the cooling down period, various gases form bubbles, which then become hollow spaces in the igneous rock. Agates are formed long afterwards, when silica-bearing water permeates the rocks and begins to fill the hollow spaces. Sometimes the hollow fills quickly and the resulting Agate is a solid color or has a random scattering of trace inclusions. Depending on which inclusions are added, the Agate will take on a variety of different colors, patterns and transparency levels.

Fire Agate has a passionate and joyful energy that is also fiercely protective.

~ It is a stone that inspires great courage within us to follow your Spiritual path.

~ It Encourages us to follow our dreams and to believe that we can achieve all goals.

It is not onky one of the MOST POWERFUL CRYSTALS to prevent psychic attack, but it also has a soothing energy that makes you feel calm, safe, and secure.

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