Mac SE

4mb memory, 40mb HDD, 800k floppy drive

Many applications and utilities!

This is a Macintosh SE in good condition. The Logic Board and Analog Board were cleaned. The PRAM battery has been replaced and the original 20mb HDD has been replaced by a Quantum P40s. The floppy drive has been cleaned and lubricated and tested by creating a floppy disk. It boots promptly (see video). System 7.1,3 installed.

Computer has:

4mb of memory

40 mb HDD

New PRAM Battery

Good 800k Floppy Drive

Software included:

System 7.1 • MacWrite II • Dozens of disk formatting and repair apps • HyperCard • Disk images for installing Systems 6.08, update 3 for 7.1 • Disinfectant (virus) • Excel • MS Works 1.1 •  MacMoney 3.5 • and many games.

The fine print... I have done my best to insure this is in great shape but selling and buying vintage software and computers comes with a risk. I have taken many photos and even a video showing it booting,  There are many programs (especially games) I have not used. So again.. I cannot offer you a warranty or guarantee of any kind on software or hardware.

I have several other SE's for sale. Please view my store for more options.

Check out all the details on all the photos.

Happy computing