Fun Learning At Home

The 3Doodler Start can help encourage creative endeavors and keep your child entertained at home for hours! As a tactile learning toy, the 3Doodler Start inspires creativity, design, planning, building, and spatial understanding.

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Makes STEM Education Relevant

The 3Doodler Start combines art and design with technology in a fun and creative way. Its easy-to-use, uncomplicated technology drives engagement and comprehension of critical STEM subjects.

3Doodler Start Safe 3D Pen

Safe to Use

The Only Child-Safe 3D Pen. Designed with no external hot parts and using only the safest & quality Start plastics. The 3Doodler Start filament is warm when extruded and is safe to touch and the pen tip doesn't get hot, you can safely use your hands to shape your doodles to perfection.

3Doodler Start Essentials 3D Pen Set with 10 1/2 Filimants.