Complete & Unabridged

14 Hours on MP3 CD

Read by Michael Page


An illegal immigrant is found murdered in an Edinburgh housing scheme. Is it a racist attack, or something else? Rebus is drawn into the case, but he has other problems: his old police station has closed, and his masters would rather he retire than stick around. As Rebus investigates, he must visit an asylum seekers' detention centre, deal with the sleazy Edinburgh underworld, and maybe even fall in love....

Siobhan has problems of her own. A teenager has disappeared from home, and Siobhan is drawn into helping the family, which means travelling too close towards the web of a convicted rapist. Then there are two skeletons, a woman and an infant, found buried beneath a concrete cellar floor in Fleshmarket Close. The scene begins to look like an elaborate stunt, but whose, and for what purpose? And how can it tie to the murder on the unforgiving housing-scheme known as Knoxland?




**NB: Photo depicts the novel mentioned but is not necessarily the same cover as that on actual audiobook.


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2.  Item not as described - Full refund on return of item.  Seller to pay return postage if the complaint is valid and genuine.

3.  Item not received - Replacement sent at our expense if not received 7 days after estimated arrival day. 

4.  Buyer changed their mind - Half refund, buyer to return item at buyers expense

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     a) Already have that title - Exchange accepted, buyer to pay return postage

     b) MP3 format issues - Item can be exchanged for the standard CD version if we have it in stock.

         - Buyer to pay for return postage together with any price difference between versions.
         - If not held in stock, see item 4b

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          All our items have [ Audiobook ] in the title and the listing clearly defines it as an MP3 CD