Complete & Unabridged

13 Hours on MP3 CD

Read by Susan Denaker

Present day: Julia Hamill has made a horrifying discovery on the grounds of her new home in rural Massachusetts: a skull buried in the rocky soil - human, female, and, according to the trained eye of Boston medical examiner Maura Isles, scarred with the unmistakable marks of murder. 

Boston, 1830: In order to pay for his education, medical student Norris Marshall has joined the ranks of local "resurrectionists" - those who plunder graveyards and harvest the dead for sale on the black market. But when a distinguished doctor is found murdered and mutilated on university grounds, Norris finds that trafficking in the illicit cadaver trade has made him a prime suspect. 

With unflagging suspense and pitch-perfect period detail, The Bone Garden deftly traces the dark mystery at its heart across time and place to a finale as ingeniously conceived as it is shocking.

Refund Policy

If you have any issues please contact us via eBay messages with 'Other' chosen as the reference.  Please do NOT choose any other option unless you are actually wanting to open a dispute via eBay.

1.  If item is faulty or damaged - replacement disc sent at our expense  No return necessary

2.  Item not as described - Full refund on return of item.  Seller to pay return postage if the complaint is valid and genuine.

3.  Item not received - Replacement sent at our expense if not received 7 days after estimated arrival day. 

4.  Buyer changed their mind - Half refund, buyer to return item at buyers expense

5.  Buyer bought in error - 

     a) Already have that title - Exchange accepted, buyer to pay return postage

     b) MP3 format issues - Item can be exchanged for the standard CD version if we have it in stock.

         - Buyer to pay for return postage together with any price difference between versions.
         - If not held in stock, see item 4b

     b) Thought is was a book not an audiobook - No refund, no exchange.  
          All our items have [ Audiobook ] in the title and the listing clearly defines it as an MP3 CD