This catalog is a Spring and Summer Styles, White Sale catalog from the New York Company "Simpson Crawford Co".  They were considered a "posh" store, where the wealthy shopped for ball gowns, fashions of all kinds, and dry goods.

Of course, the really big socialites shopped at home!  Shops like this were popular because it was a day out, and the patrons could view all the newest things under one roof.

The catalog is a white sale catalog, but not like we know them today - there is just a very small bit of things that don't pertain to fashion in the catalog.  Mail order was the new big thing, with free shipping a big draw.  This was the way for fashionable stores to reach a whole new audience, in other parts of the country.  Folks who had money, but no access to really advanced fashions.

The catalog states that the company offered 30 years of being a leader in fashion (in 1910).  The fashions are terrific, and I especially love the lace collars.  WHAT a way to dress up a blouse!

This catalog is in great condition.  It is tight bright and clean, with no missing or damaged pages.  There is a slight crease to the back, where the catalog was "thumbed" through to look at the pictures.