Headway The Band 2 Violin Pickup - Instant Fit
RRP $399
PRICE  $369

New Band2

Incorporates Technical Specialist High Sensitivity Piezo Pickups for a more detailed, fuller natural sound.

The Band2 is an instant-fit pick-up which velcro’s to itself around the body of the instrument. It requires no alteration of the instrument itself and generates a strong passive (no batteries required) signal which can usually be plugged straight into a mixing desk or combo amp. The multiple pick-up elements, of the Violin version of The Band2, are tuned specifically for Violin and deliver a lively, tailored passive signal. The Band2 is used equally in folk/rock and classical situations and is a favourite with sound engineers and players alike, as it offers far greater volume levels before feedback, compared to mics. You can avoid being tied down to mic stands and The Band2 cuts feedback, bowing noise, body noise and excessive treble by acoustic filter.

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