Contains a spell cast crystal quartz. This is POWERFUL MAGICK.

 Third eye opening oil 3RD EYE #3rdeye

30ml bottle of spell cast crystal oil INCLUDES OUR Vampire PSYCHIC Powers tincture

Out of the main seven chakras third eye chakra is one of the most important ones.Your third eye gives you an opportunity to experience different dimensions without having to leave your body.

This is the easiest way to see other dimensions which your physical sight cannot perceive.You see through your eyes the physical world and you also have the ability to see the spiritual world through your third eye chakra.

Third eye chakra has the purple/indigo colour, however some people even see very dark, almost black eye. The eye doesn’t even have to be shaped like an eye, although this is the most common shape.

Some people see the third eye chakra shaped like a square or a star.You can also see a realistic eye or just a shape filled with indigo or purple colour.If you don’t get enough source energy it will be quite hard for your to open your third eye. You can get an abundance of universal energy by meditating.

When you meditate you get universal energy through your crown chakra into your whole body.Usually people experience their third eye when they meditate, and that certainly happened to me too.

If you are looking for a certain type of entity please message me as we have numerous items available.

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