Cautionary Notice:

As a word to the wise, other sellers of 

Ormus on eBay may be 

simply passing off Common Sea Salt or

 Rice Powder as 


A Revolutionary Development

Monatomic Gold In Capsule Form

Hollow Earth Alchemy 

Monatomic Ormus Rose

Gold 100 Capsules 300 mg

If you buy 2 or more items at once you will receive as a free 

bonus a 1 ounce Copper Coin. 

Charged in a pyramid to increase bioelectric effects.

Effects of Ormus

By now, it should be clear that Ormus is spiritual as well as physical. While this may not make sense to some readers, there are noted and recurring effects of ingesting Ormus on both a spiritual and physical level that I'd like to discuss. Remember, you don't have to believe this information, and you don't have to take Ormus supplements. This information and article is for those who want to learn more.

Spiritual Effects

On a spiritual level, Ormus raises the user's vibration, oftentimes activating the kundalini. The monatomic structure works its way into every cell of the human body, raising it to a higher frequency. Some describe this process as raising the tensile strength of the cellular body. Due to this higher frequency, users often report experiences of unintentional telepathy, seeing auras and energy fields, lucid dreaming, and instant manifestation.

Taking Ormus will deepen your understanding of how thoughts manipulate reality. Barry Carter describes this like shouting out, "I love you!" into the Grand Canyon. Because of the canyon's massive size, it will take a few moments before you hear the echo reverberating back, "I love you." Carter explains, "To those who weren't paying attention, they may conclude that there is a person out there that loves them. The same goes for the statement 'I hate you!' The person might think there is another being out there who hates them. However, when a person takes Ormus, this transaction occurs much more quickly. It would be like a person hearing the echo immediately. In that case, the person is much less likely to think it was another person stating such phrases, and much more likely to understand that it was them who made the statement all along." You create what happens to you, and Ormus helps users realize this mirror in reality.

Ormus is also known as an emotional enhancer. However the user is feeling prior to taking the substance, they will experience a magnified version of the feeling after drinking the tonic. For this reason, users should be cautious when drinking Ormus, as this could potentially create a negative experience. Manufacturers of Ormus highly recommend detoxifying the body, as well as the mind and spirit, before beginning a regiment of ingesting Ormus.

However, Ormus is known to be, in itself, a detoxifying agent. If your body has toxic elements within it, the Ormus will work to purge the toxins. While this occurs, many people report having a Herxheimer Effect or a "Healing Crisis Effect". To those who experience this disequilibrium, don't fret, and recognize that this is just your body coming into balance with itself; the left and right hemispheres of your brain are synchronizing. This may create a sort of "wobbly" feeling as the two hemispheres of the brain begin to harmonize. Eventually you will feel better.

Physical Effects

On a physical level, Ormus is said to enhance the immune system and repair any DNA damage a person may have accumulated throughout their life. It increases the rate of healing in the body and boosts physical strength. Users have reported that chipped teeth or cavities have repaired themselves after taking Ormus. Others claim that ingesting Ormus rapidly healed their wounds or broken bones.

Since Ormus is a vital component to life within the body, another side effect of drinking Ormus is a youthing (sometimes called "uthing") or anti-aging effect on the skin, hair, and nails. Some users take the tonic and use it topically, finding that age spots, wrinkles, and other poor-skin conditions fade away over time. Because of this, Ormus is sometimes referred to as the Elixir of Life; reversing the aging process, or, at the very least, slowing it down.

Finally, Ormus is said to bring on a state of serenity and clarity. It brings users into the theta wave states of the brain, thus enhancing intuition. This brain state is oftentimes the end product of a deep meditation, and many people report being able to enter this state (during meditation) almost immediately after ingesting Ormus. Such brain states are associated with increased intelligence and memory. Essentially, Ormus super-conducts human thought. Because of this, users may experience the deep, proverbial hum of consciousness, which ranges in pitch from a subtle buzz in the forehead to intense insectoid sounds one might experience deep in the forest (or during hallucinogenic/entheogenic experiences).

However, when all is said and done, it is important to remain critical in your thought process when ingesting Ormus. While there are many advocates for the substance, there are also many to the contrary. One critic noted that, "Sir Lawrence Gardner was a proponent of Ormus, and it didn't prevent him from dying of cancer." So, a healthy balance and understanding of both sides of the argument is clearly very important.