Hi, I'm selling this professional arabic Ney flute,or egiptyan nay tuned in  D (five fingers down), Rast note is C . It is made of carbon fiber making it very resistant and durable , in this nay it's easier to make the full range of notes in all registers with less effort, specially the lower sounds. Size has 60cm (23.6 Inches)  long .  And it´s a right handed nay , plays with left hand on top. Perfectly tuned. Always ready doesn't need to be oiled. Also available in B (Please check other items). Original carbon fiber ney by Zeneyzen.

This is a professional music instrument, tuned and with a great voice, however if for any particular reason you wish to return it a total refund will be given with no questions.

Fast Delivery.

Any question, please ask, or make an offer! 

 to Europe  3 to 5 days
 to worldwide 5 to 7 days