Shujin active

Bruises, swelling and pain, back pain, muscle contraction

Find the most painful pain point in the affected area (the pain point is mostly located in the bone gap or between the swollen muscles)

Apply 2-3 drops of Huangdaoyi Huoluo Oil on the pain point, and press on the pain point with the tip of your thumb for 15-20 minutes. The intensity is from light to heavy. It is advisable for the patient not to suffer excessive pain.

Press three to five times a day until healed


Commonly used for the following symptoms
Using hot compresses before massage can enhance the efficacy of the medicine, thereby promoting blood circulation and relaxing muscles and collaterals.


First, apply an appropriate amount of Huangdaoyi Huoluo Oil to the injured area.

Then apply a thin layer of plastic wrap over the injured area.

Finally, put on a hot water bottle covered with towels.
Before massage: apply for 15-30 minutes
After massage: apply for 20-30 minutes