Small, dependable, revolutionary

XTM RIC P8 brings out high hearing performance in a sleek design. This powerful hearing aid hides behind your ear and make perfect balance between small size and great performance.

It is compatible with all the Click Domes and Click Sleeves and fits in different types of ear canals.

ric hearing aid m

Notable Features

Noise Management

Noise Management Technology is induced in such a way that background noise is significantly reduced, thus giving better speech clarity to the wearer.

Automatic Directional Microphone

It is Recommended for users with a high demand for speech understanding in a very noisy listening situations. A&M hearing aids now comes with automatic directional microphones thus bringing out improvements in difficult situations where you need to distinguish speech from noise.

Voice Ranger

Voice Ranger makes the target speaker sounds louder while maintaining the distant voices in background.

Smart Connect Compatibility

Smart Connect Feature enables users to connect their hearing aids to smartphones and other audio devices via Bluetooth.

Feedback Preventer

Users of A&M hearing aids now experience comfortable listening with reduced feedback, thus prevent annoying whistling in the ear.

Wireless Synchronization

Wireless Synchronization feature between hearing instruments allows easy understanding of partner's conversation.

Other Features

It comes with 16 Signal Processing Channels,4 hearing programs, Bandwidth Compression, Data Logging etc

All The Hearing aids can be programmed as per the audiology report if requested for no extra charge. 
Feel Free to contact us for any further queries. 
Color Available - beige

"According to the FDA, it is in your best health interest to obtain a professional medical evaluation before purchasing a hearing aid and you are encouraged to do so before bidding on this item. If you choose to not obtain a medical evaluation before purchasing this item, I am required by law to provide to you and obtain from you a signed written waiver of the medical evaluation, and I am required to provide to you a copy of the User Instruction Brochure for a hearing aid, review the contents of that brochure with you, and afford you time to read the brochure. You must provide to me either a signed statement from a physician or a signed waiver before I will deliver this item to you. Upon your request, I will also provide to you a copy of the User Instructional Brochure for the hearing aid or the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor from whom a User Instructional Brochure for the hearing aid can be obtained. "