Super Mario Collection (Rare 80s &90s Swag).

Wow this is quite a collection if you're the super Mario fan especially if you like rare less common stuff so it's got a bunch of different pieces I'll start with

It's an original Nintendo super NES poster double-sided which is really cool because on the back is sort of a little Easter egg that shows the original old school way to hook up an old school Nintendo to an old school TV and compared to how easy we have it today where everything's wireless and Wi-Fi it's funny to look back on how primitive things were but that's on the back side where there's sort of a diagram for instructions in black and white but on the front side of the poster is where it really shines and this is a good size poster probably two feet by 3 ft it's sort of like an advertisement for all the new games coming out for the Nintendo entertainment system including the Nintendo mouse that none of us remember the Nintendo original composing music game that none of us remember and even a Nintendo bazooka that I don't really remember even though I had Nintendo back in the day but I wish I had it now that I look at it on the poster I would have paid a lot of money for that as a kid anyway very unique and hard to find poster that was originally included I believe in the Nintendo entertainment system that's the first thing

Second thing is a really rare game in former magazine episode number 200 or really issue number 200 and they had several different covers I think eight different covers celebrating all the iconic leading video games of all time I'm sure there was a Pac-Man cover maybe a Grand theft Auto cover not sure but anyway Mario got I think the number two spot I believe was number two episode or number two issue features this sort of pixelated Mario in a side which I think is kind of cool because it not only does it include the magazine some of the pages inside or old in a little wrinkled but that's because this magazine was probably read by an eager young video game kid back in the '80s or '90s whenever it's from and what's cool is the Mario and the front the pixelated kind of Mario figure is also on a separate box that were including now the boxes are all empty including the Nintendo entertainment system looking box that held vans originally but they're just such cool boxes and so iconically Mario we kept them The other I think was from an Nintendo DS where you see the Mario jumping on the front and you also get a little 3D figure of Mario himself that matches the pixelated cover and that came in the in a homemade artist made little Mario cube that sort of has a back door that opens and that's where the Mario character was originally stored but I like bringing them out and just I'll put the little cube on a shelf and then Mario sits right next to it and then it looks like he's kind of jumping over the? Cube from the game but again it's a cool style because it's the 3D pixelation style

As I just mentioned you also get two empty boxes one of Mario jumping the other looks exactly like an old school Nintendo entertainment system with the two controllers on the top the old school controllers again these boxes are empty but if you're really into Mario they're just so cool to have then you also get what was originally a light up cube but it no longer lights up it's just the actual cube itself without the bottom lighting fixture would I tend to do is just put this cover over any type of little LED type light you have and it lights it up from inside but again it's just the plastic shell that looks like a Mario? From the game and then lastly after the poster and the magazine and the Mario 3D figure and the question mark cube and the? Mario plastic larger cube and the super Nintendo replica box and the Mario jumping Nintendo box lastly you get a insulated tumbler type thing that holds liquid and it looks just like an old school Nintendo game boy so quite a unique one-of-a-kind collection we got going here some of these pieces have been sent with us for 30 years now so we bundled them all together we know just the magazine itself is selling for around 40 in the poster itself sells for around 40

****** Update, one of the items from the collection has sold separately and we have lowered the price accordingly to adjust for that. We will update pictures but for now just in case anyone buys it before we have time to update the picture it will include everything in the listing except the Mario magazine that we had a request from a customer separately to frame that so that's being done separately. So we'll still include all the items you see every item except for the magazine.