Mid-nineteenth century illustrated guide to the shot-gun and sporting rifle and their use:

The Shot-Gun and Sporting Rifle: And the Dogs, Ponies, Ferrets etc Used With Them in the Various Kinds of Shooting and Trapping.

by Stonehenge

Published by Routledge, Warne and Routledge in 1859.


Book I: Varieties of Shooting: Introductory; Pigeon and Sparrow Trap-Shooting; Open Shooting; Covert Shooting; Wildfowl Shooting; Rifle Shooting;. 

Book II:The Animals Used by the Shooter and their Management in the Kennel and the Field: Field Spaniels and their Breaking; Retrievers and Retrieving Both on Land and in the Water; Rabbiting - Rabbit Dogs- Ferrets and Ferreting - Shooting Ponies; General Management of Shooting Dogs. 

Book III: Elementary principles of Gunnery and Composition of the Parts Essential to it: Definition of Gunnery and Guns as Applied to Sporting Purposes; On the Action of Gunpowder and Other Explosive Compounds; On the Varieties of Projectiles and the Substances Used in Aid of Them.

Illustrated with 20 plates and around 100 small in text illustrations.

Hardbacks, 448 pages, 13 cm by 19 cm.

Good condition

Has been rebacked with a modern book cloth book spine and original boards. End papers have also been replaced. Some marks and wear to the boards. Binding intact. Narrow gap between frontispiece and title page. Names written on the title page.  Some marks to inner pages but most pages are clean. Very occasional small tear to pages. All plates listed in the contents pages are present (one listed as on page 12 is actually placed as frontispiece).

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