Volume 31 No. 1 and 2 of THE JOURNAL OF TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY, published twice a year by The Transpersonal Institute, Palo Alto, California. Usual 255mmx175mm format. Most issues approx. 102pp.

These issues have contributions on

Number 1

The plateau experience and the post-mortem life: Abraham H. Maslow's unfinished theory

Tom S. Cleary & Sam I. Shapiro

Phenomenological mapping: A method for describing and comparing states of consciousness

Roger Walsh

Toward the objective exploration of non-ordinary reality

Charles T. Tart

Rediscovering native rituals: "Coming home' to my self"

Sandra Diaz & D. Don Sawatzky

Zen meditation: A psychoanalytic conceptualization

George Leone


Transpersonal psychologies: Perspective on the mind from seven great spiritual traditions, Tart The meditative mind: The varieties of meditative experience, Goleman The world's religions, Smith

Personality and personal growth, Fadiman & Frager Paths beyond ego: The transpersonal vision, Walsh & Vaughan The inward arc: Healing and wholeness in psychotherapy and spirituality, Vaughan The ego and the dynamic ground: A transpersonal theory of human development, Washburn Healing the split: Integrating spirit into our understanding of the mentally ill, Nelson

Number 2

An informal overview of transpersonal studies

Ken Wilber

Demystifying mysticism: Finding a developmental relationship between different ways of knowing

Len Flier

Transpersonal psychology research review: Researching religious and spiritual problems on the Internet

David Lukoff, Francis Lu, Robert Turner & Jayne Gackenbach

A survey of measures of transpersonal constructs

Douglas A. MacDonald, Laura LeClair, Cornelius J. Holland, Aaron Alter &

Harris L. Friedman


Sex, ecology, spirituality: The spirit of evolution, Ken Wilber

Bryan Wittine

Tightly bound with no previous ownership signatures or marks.