For sale is a rare bodybuilding dvd of the 1981 Mr. Olympia contest.  Interests are muscle, physique, strength, weightlifting and bodybuilding. The photos shown are from this dvd.  The bodybuilders featured are Tom Platz, Chris Dickerson, Danny Padilla, Samir Bannout, Jusup Wilcosz , Franco Columbu, Roy Callendar among others.  This is a highlight video and does not show all of the competitors in that show. There was no complete contest video produced that year.  This is one of two known videos that has actual footage of the 1981 Mr. Olympia.  The first part of the video shows Franco Columbu training outside at World Gym preparing for this contest.   There is also backstage pump room footage.  Arnold Schwarzenegger is shown backstage talking with Franco before the contest. Please see my other auctions for more bodybuilding videos, books and magazines.