Sanctuary Wood & Hooge Ypres by Nigel Cave

Sanctuary Wood & Hooge Ypres by N. Cave

Sanctuary Wood & Hooge Ypres Battleground


This guide to the Battlefields of Ypres is intended for both the casual tourist and the serious scholar. Sanctuary Wood and the village of Hooge saw intense fighting during World War I, being situated for much of the time in the front line of the notorious Ypres Salient. Australians advanced through these locations in 1917 during the Battle of Menin Road, Polygon Woods and Passchaendaele.
Beginning at the museum within the wood itself, the book takes the reader on an explanatory tour of the immediate area, which includes the neighbouring British cemetery. Text and supporting photographs help to explain the significance of individual burials, such as that of the German aviator, Hans Roser, the victim of an air battle with the Royal Flying Corps pilot, Lance Hawker, who for his exploits in this action and others on the same day was awarded the first VC for aerial combat.
Between May and September 1915, Hooge was rarely out of the newspapers, and the fierce battles that took place here - including the first use of the dreaded "Flamenwerfer" against British troops - are described in a series of chapters supported by maps and contemporary accounts

Book Condition:: PERFECT - NEW BOOK
Total Pages:: 113
Outer Cover on Book: : Soft Cover

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