Ulteriori informazioni

Titolo: Clash of the Guards
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Alan Hebden
Contribuyente: Cam Kennedy (By (artist))
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781786189516
ISBN: 9781786189516
Publisher: Treasury of British Comics
Genere: Fiction
Soggetto: Historical Fiction, Manga, Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 20/07/2023

Clash By name, clash by nature!

Italy, 1943. The United States Army have sent Captain Brad Clash to join a British platoon in order to learn from their experiences of fighting in WWII. .

A former Hollywood stuntman and speedway driver, Clash is a man of action who likes to tackle the enemy head on. All guts and glory, he uses his superior driving skills and American-made weapons, like the Winchester trench Gun, to keep the German Army at bay.

This collection also features several one-off Battle strips illustrated by the legendary Cam Kennedy.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 276mm
Lunghezza: 210mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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