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Titolo: Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition Xbox 360 Game of the Year
Condizione: Nuovo
Editore: 2K
Genere: Video Games
Sottogenere: Legacy Systems, Xbox Systems, Xbox 360
Anno di rilascio: 08/10/2013
Data d'uscita: 08/10/2013
Description: With the Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition, players can experience every epic boss battle, increase the level for each of the six playable Vault Hunters, play all of the additional campaign content, and enjoy hundreds of hours of shoot-and-loot mayhem at an extraordinary value. The Game of the Year Edition contains over $100 of gameplay content.
Lingua: inglese
Valutazione: M - Mature
MPN: 49332
Piattaforma: Microsoft Xbox 360
Title Format: Video Game

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