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Titolo: The Complete Adventures of Feluda Vol. 2
Condizione: Nuovo
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9780143425045
ISBN: 9780143425045
Publisher: Penguin
Genere: Fiction
Soggetto: Crime Thrillers & Mystery
Data di pubblicazione: 02/05/2021
Description: For readers who enjoyed the adventures of Feluda in Volume 1, this second omnibus volume holds more delights. Accompanied by his cousin Topshe and the bumbling crime writer Lalmohan Ganguly (Jatayu), Feluda travels from Puri to Kedarnath, from Kathmandu to London in his pursuit of culprits; he tracks down Napoleon's last letter, a forgotten painting by Tintoretto and a stolen manuscript.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: IN
Altezza: 198mm
Lunghezza: 129mm
Autore: No Author
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021

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