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Titolo: Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9780996099936
ISBN: 9780996099936
Edizione: 10th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: Bucket Fillosophy
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 01/10/2015
Altezza: 203mm
Lunghezza: 266mm
Peso: 136g
Autore: Carol McCloud
Ilustración: David Messing
Contribuyente: David Messing (Illustrated by)
Lingua: inglese
Subtítulos: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids: 10th Anniversary Edition
ISBN-10: 099609993X
Paese di origine: US
Genere: Children's Books
Description: This heart-warming book has become a classic, selling over a million copies, and is listed as one of the top children's books that encourage kindness towards others. It encourages positive behaviour by using the concrete concept of an 'invisible bucket' that holds your good thoughts and feelings. When you do something kind, you fill someone's bucket; when you do something mean, you dip into someone's bucket and remove some good thoughts and feelings. This book focuses on how our social interactions positively or negatively affect others and encourages all to be kind.
Soggetto: Baby & Picture Books
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2015

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